Monday, January 26, 2009

here right now

i don't really feel like i am one step closer to anything. i'm probably not trying hard enough. i owe a lot more to my mom than i ever thought about before. she has been paying for me and my mistakes and everything i ever wanted for my entire life. it's the least i could do to not be so fucking lazy about everything. in a perfect world i would make it so my parents wouldnt have to work anymore for the rest of their lives but since it's not a perfect world, i hope at least one day in the future i can make something of myself to show them that all of their hard work has payed off and i can give back to them somehow.

in other news, alan got mugged saturday night walking home from his subway stop to his apartment. well, i guess the guys tried to mug him but alan wouldn't give them his wallet so they beat him up instead. so he told me he got a few swings in and they had knives. i told him at least he didn't get stabbed. he got his nose broken and 14 stitches inside of his mouth. his face looks like someone dragged him across my gravel driveway. scary fucking shit man.
i really don't know what i would have done in that situation. i hope to never get mugged. i mean, i would have just given them my shit and hoped to god that they didn't want to stab me for shits and giggles. or worse. honestly if that ever happened to me i would probably be scarred emotionally for the rest of the year. the good part is that alan is ok and he's coming home soon anyhow. scary though.

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